The World Leader in Animal-Related Software™

Friday, March 28, 2025

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Cat Pedigrees go WIKI with The Cattery's Standard™ .NET!

Welcome to the newest advance in cat pedigree excellence!  You are now on the opening page of that software, The Cattery's Standard™ .NET!  With our high-reliability, high-availability, you can line-chase, keep a registry or automate your cattery's operations, safely, securely, and rapidly!  If you use an Apple® computer, no problem!  We're 100% Apple compatible!

And our web-based architecture means something else:  Access to other cats already in the database!  The line-chaser's dream is here!  Enter cats, rapidly, as many as 31 per window with our proprietary PedFast™ III technology.  Fill in holes, do research, be ready-to-go with thousands of cats in place in minutes, not months!

Signing up is a breeze, and plans start at only $9.95 per month or less !  If you are in charge of a cat club's registry or a national cat club, contact us about free access for your records person, and a discount plan for every member of your club.

We have a guided Internet tour of our software and its power available below.  Here are some of the more powerful features of our wonderful new product:

  • Breed Co-Ordinators, highly-expert volunteers, search consistently to ensure data quality in our databases, but they don't have access to your confidential cattery data.
  • You control your own cats' information
  • Outstanding Beautiful print-quality pedigrees using MegaPed .NET, included.
  • Optional Pedigree Power Packs™ give you the same power that users of our Windows-based programs enjoy!
  • Keep information on your cats' medical certifications, shots, litters, kitten sales and all other cattery information, confidentially.  The only things that are in the wiki parts of the database are cat names.
  • Keep many pictures of each and every cat, and choose which ones to use on pedigrees!
  • and Much. Much more!

The counter on the left shows how many cats we have in our database as of this very second.  Is your breed included?  Click here to find out and to see exactly how many cats of your breed are in the database right now!

The Cattery's Standard™ .NET is the revolution that cat fanciers have been waiting for ever since there was an Internet!  Join today and see what we have to offer!

  Take a Tour of Features   

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This site and all of its elements are Copyright © 2006 by Man's Best Friend Software.
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